We are an official Cabrinha and Dakine dealer, and are happy to price match. You can find us on their official website - just type "Blueye Group" in the search bar.
Apex noun: the highest point or most successful part of something.
What can you do to an already incredible kite. You give it the Apex treatment.
With a lighter feel and even more playful handling, the Moto X Apex version is a true testament to the Apex Series of kites.
The use of Ultra HT for the main airframe aids in stability, steering and also recovery due to the incredible bias elongation controls. Combine this with the use of the Aero spliced bridle line, and new lighter weight bladders, you have the lightest 3 strut kite in the Cabrinha range to date.
3 Strut, moderate aspect ratio hybrid design, reactive wing tip, fast, lean and efficient profiles.
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